So I've started messing around with Linux. I had an old computer that crashed several years back when I tried to install XP on it. I just couldn't figure it out. I would fdisk the thing and try to reinstall it. Nothing, same thing would happen. Crash. So I just bought an Apple at the time. Since then I'm using a Powerbook. Anyway I found the old box again and gave it to my friend who just graudated with an IT degree. I was over at their place for the 4th weekend and asked him if he had done anything with it. He hadn't and asked if I wanted to see what was on the disk. I said sure. Using ultimatebootcd we tried to do a few diagnostic tools and there seemed to be nothing wrong. Using a fresh license of XP we tried to install. Guess what happened. It crashed. We were running diagnostic after diagnostic and it seemed to give us error free reports. I just couldn't figure it out. Anyway we decided to crack open the case and see what the hard drive brand was. Seagate. I like Seagate. I've never had a problem with them. Hmm.. So using the ultimatebootcd I create 3 partitions for my whopping 4.3 GB hard drive. I figure that I can at least use one of the partitions to install Linux. Then from there I can mess around with the hard disk and figure out what was wrong. First time installation failed with a KDE error, or whatever it was. I wasn't paying attention. So second time I used a custom install and I didn't install the KDE workspace. It went over fine and I was able to install the Fedora Core Linux distro. Now I just need to canabalize a network card, and see if I can find a spare monitor and mouse around since I took the tower home yesterday. I'll probably do that this weekend.
It's relatively quiet around DC . The neighborhood kids are setting off firecrackers and 'mortar' fireworks. It'll probably increase as it gets darker.
Happy 4th.
It's relatively quiet around DC . The neighborhood kids are setting off firecrackers and 'mortar' fireworks. It'll probably increase as it gets darker.
Happy 4th.